Sunday, July 12, 2015

# Anita Blake # Dead Ice

Dead Ice by Laurell K. Hamilton Review

Review: Dead Ice (Anita Blake #24) By Laurell K. Hamilton
Dead Ice (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #24)

Dead Ice is book # 24 in the Anita Blake Series. Anita is a kick ass necromancer/federal agent who also is Queen of Vampires.In this installment Anita is planning her wedding to King Jean Claude, juggling her other relationships to continue her mostly domestic bliss and aiding the feds in solving a zombie porn case in which the zombie's appear to have their souls.

First, let me say that I've been a fan for thirteen years. Laurell K. Hamilton was my first foray into the paranormal romance genre and Anita has been one of my favorite characters as I have continued to delve into the genre. 

Good Impressions

Anita is in St. Louis for the majority of the book which I am thrilled about. Laurell has created this entire world of characters and it is great to spend time with them, something that does not happen when the majority of the book takes place off site. I am also glad that we again get to see Richard. Once a hugely important part of the story, Richard still maintains the third spot of the Jean Claude and Anita's triumvirate, but often is only mentioned in passing. Ironically Anita still holds the spot of Lupa in his wolf pack. 

The zombie porn plot is interesting and provides a balance for Anita. She still cares about people in general which we see when she has to put down a zombie she created that appears a little too lifelike. She also is concerned about the zombie victim and tries to console her several times in the book despite the horrors the zombie has to contend with. It is a nice reminder that though she can be ruthless, in there somewhere is the Anita we remember from the first ten books.

Not So Good Impressions

The world is too crowded and forcing a reader to remember her entire list of lovers / friends with benefits/ just food warrants a index or inset on the book. It's difficult trying to keep names and character traits in line. There were times when even I a seasoned vet of the series, didn't remember a person or why I should care about them. Then even more characters are introduced...I feel like I need to highlight characters so that when I read their names again I have a clue about Anita's reaction to them or Jean Claude's or Micah's or Nathaniel's.

Also the pacing of the book is thrown off by poly negotiations. Jeez lady, if everything is a negotiation  how does anything ever get decided? This was a problem several times in the book. Yes, there will be a wedding but who shares in a separate commitment ceremony? Anita and her poly arrangement need a tiger but are unsure of  which tiger and whether the tiger should be a women or man. It is too much!!!It takes away from the story and feels too much like real life or work, something I read to get away from.

My Rating:

Honestly, it may be time for me to let this series go.  But if you are looking for another adventure in Anita's world it wasn't too bad.

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